Monday, February 4, 2008

I Am Not Damian's Queen

"You're my one true definition of what my queen is." - Damian Marley

Any girl who'd hear this would certainly feel flattered. Wouldn't you?

I am feeling so unattrative and undesirable right now. I'd love to rip off every beautiful girl's face right now and slap it on back to them. All nice but disaligned. Sorry, I am being too violent.

Well, truly, I'd love to. I just hate it when you're talking to a guy and all of a sudden, this very beautiful lady passes by and the guy you're talking to suddenly stops from talking and looks at the girl as if you don't exist at all. It is so frustrating.

I know I am not that beautiful but please, when I'm talking to you, look at my face. I say my face, not at the other girl's, not at my bosom, not at her bosom either, but at my geddamn face.

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