Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hum Along

I woke up late earlier and thus, I was prompted to hurry and prepare myself for work. I hopped on the bus and sat beside an old couple when I noticed the somewhat middle-aged lady was clapping. I wondered why. I looked up at the mounted television. Oh so that was why, The Beatles was on Hey Jude mode. Most of the passengers were head-bobbing, humming, singing, or foot-thumping along. Nice.

I have nothing against the music. In fact, I love 'em.

The truth is, my heart has its roots on the 60s and 70s. Going way back to when my dad witnessed a lot of rebellion and his generation started to put it into lyrics. Add in some instruments and they ended up with The Beatles, Eagles, Scorpions, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Simon & Garfunkel, and all those bands to whom I pay homage to.

I was born in the 80s and yet I grew up listening to them. It just feels different listening to them. I put one track on and close my eyes. Sh*t. Raw. Maybe because as a child, I used to listen to my dad playing songs from that era with his guitar. Ged, I miss those days. On weekends, may dad would play the guitar in the living room. With a songbook on a table, a pair of reading glasses on his eyes, tatay would play and sing. The whole house would go silent. I'll be in my room just listening. It felt as if the world stopped.

So this reminds me of Megan:
"My comeback kids wish list: RATM, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, A Perfect Circle (band's in limbo I think), The Cure, and The Smiths. And if bringing back people from the dead is possible, I would include in the list Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Jeff Buckley, and The Doors." -chuvaofthechenes

I am entirely at awe at how the Philippine music industry has put itself into a higher level this past year due to the seemingly unending arrival of new bands. And yet, my ears still hunger for how the bands of the 90's satiated me. It should come no wonder, the bands of the 90s inspired a lot of bands that are currently making it into the mainstream.

Oh, I wouldn't mind mentioning a few local bands from the 90s: Razorback and Wolfgang, where are you now?! Lokomotiv? Nah. We'll see.


Java.- said...

nice Blog... =*

Maggie said...

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

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Maggie said...

um, um, um... ehehe