Monday, July 2, 2007

When I Thought No One Cared

I was browsing through the ladies section of Bench - Robinson Galleria Ortigas branch the other day, after a few minutes I finally decided to try a few clothes. I noticed a young saleslady folding clothes just nearby. So, I asked for her assistance. I called her "Miss?".

But unexpectedly, she only took notice of me until after my fourth call. I waved my right hand, while holding a few clothes with the other, "Miss, miss!".

That was when she looked at me. I was supposed to be really upset at her for not noticing me. Then she showed me her ID and I saw what was written... "DEAF Staff".

I would like to send my kudos to the management and staff of Bench for extending their hand in helping our somewhat disabled brothers and sisters. They are doing a great job in uplifting hope amongst our fellow Filipinos who once thought that no one cared for them. With proper guidance and help, I know they can also make a difference just like the "normal" rest of us.

I am not a good person in general. I am no part of any organization who helps disabled person. I just happened to pass by that day. I am so touched by their generosity in helping others. As payment for what the kind lady did for me, I will spread the good word through this blog. I hope Bench will continue to help "them". Congratulations on the great job Bench! Kudos to everyone! ^_^

Unfortunately, I forgot to ask for the sales lady's name, maybe through this blog, I can thank her or everyone at Bench's Robinson's Galleria - Ortigas branch. Thanks! :)

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