...ang buwan ng mga puso, may pinahabol ang isang ming-ming:
Sagot naman nung isa,
Amie, para sa'yo ata 'to.
The perfect words has finally come out on a late summer weekend's praise fest. So, no more stifling smiles... and vice versa.
To keep myself from doing opposite of item #6 on this previous post, I've been trying to deviate "the urge" into something more favourable: sweets.
Today’s (actually yesterday's kaso sira Multiply kahapon kaya late post pffft) dessert is courtesy of Tel. Yummy brownies!
Cold ones – just the way I like it! Yuuuum!*
Thanks Tel!
I have been smoking for the past nine years. I started with Marlboro reds then moved on to lights, and now, I’m on the green ones. I have tried so many times to stop it before, but all my efforts were wasted. Until recently, I hadn't realized how important it is for me to stop 100%. I have been experiencing chest pains and difficulty in breathing. I have been having night chills and fevers. Oh noes! With God’s grace, and the sweets (in moderation), I know I’ll get through this. I will and I should!
*not the actual ones