Sunday, May 4, 2008

Remembering Laine

I got tagged again. By Elaine this time.

10 reasons to smile about in my life right now? Easy...

1. JAMES, of course. Always will.

2. career

3. new workstation

4. new cellphone

5. Ate Meg went home for a brief vacation.

6. The evil in me is slowly fading away. I just hope it'll be gone for good.

7. Ms. Debi is back!

8. Apple, my new found friend.

9. SFC's trip to matabungkay.

10. The thought that I'm still here... grrrreat!

So, who to tag, who to tag? Mimi, James, Joyce, Ver, Brent, Anjie, Cheppie, Jerrymiah, Elmo, and Marvynn. People, you know what to do - 10 reasons that make you smile and 10 persons to tag. Go!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I made the list. Well, I'm happy I found a friend in you too, Magz! May God shower us with more pizzas then! Cheers!

~ Epols

Maggie said...

Yeah more pizzas! ^_^