It's payroll mode again. Ironic as it is, my technology-based company, mainly focused on card-based payment solutions, doesn't have a bank account dedicated for the sole purpose of despensing our "breads". I don't mind. Not at all. At least I have the benefit of not having to stand in long lines at the atm sites. I get to hold mine in cold hard cash, fosho!
So what's this all about? It's all about Jessa, a 5th grader my siblings and i met through World Vision.
What's World Vision? It is an international Christian development organization committed to uplift the lives of less fortunate people and communities in more than 90 countries worldwide. World Vision partners with the local people's organizations and other concerned agencies to implement projects that focus especially on the needs of children. (Reference:
Through World Vision, my siblings and I are able to send a mere 450pesos a month (the bigger your income/allowance, the bigger you'll give your share of donation) to Jessa and her family so they can have, though not the ultimate good life, a better one.
It just feels great to know that I am able to bring back what God has given me - a good education and a better life. Maybe you can do your part too. Visit their website at or, their kiosks can easily be seen in malls metrowide.